
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

The 5 Most Popular Posts of 2023

Boy looking in a microscope

Since the inception of the interwebs, viral has become a tricky word. It has its roots in things like viruses, infections, and germs. And yet, in our digital days, viral speaks more of popularity than poison. I guess we can chalk it up to our ever-evolving zeitgeist which is, unapologetically, like a virus--moving, growing, and multiplying in contagious ways.

That said, several of the posts from The Unlikely Homeschool have gone viral over the years. And while the term viral has always soured in my mouth, I realize that it just might be the perfect word for describing how something spreads on the internet. After all, "popular" does not always mean "best." And sometimes, the very best I have to offer ends up in the slush pile the moment I hit "publish" while slapped-together posts spread like wildfire.

I'll not begin to theorize why one article resonates with moms and another flatlines. But, I can say with absolute certainty which ones have been the most popular based on click numbers alone. 

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The 5 Most Popular Posts of 2023 #blogging #homeschoolblog #homeschool

The 5 Most Popular Posts of 2023

In case you missed any of them, here's a reverse-order recap of the most-read posts of 2023. Starting with number five...

8 Quick Tips for Working at Home and Homeschooling

Combining work with home and homeschooling can feel like a herculean task. But it can be done. Here's how.

8 Quick-tips for Working at Home and Homeschooling

Homeschool Art the Charlotte Mason Way

Several years ago, in an effort to give more careful consideration to how I approached art in my homeschool, I decided to not only carve out intentional time each week for creative expression but also to be more calculated in my attempts to teach art history. Since then, we've read great books. We've used real materials. We've copied great works. We've written our thoughts about the masters in a notebook dedicated entirely to art and art history. In other words, we've learned the Charlotte Mason way.

Homeschool Art the Charlotte Mason Way

8 Homeschool Helps You Didn't Know Your Library Offered

Yes, public libraries have become increasingly liberal. If entire sections within my own local branch suddenly went up in smoke, I wouldn't be sad about it. But that won't stop me from utilizing all the free services I do value. If you were to put a dollar amount on the hundreds upon hundreds of books I've checked out over the years, not to mention the events and special services my family and I have participated in, you'd find that I've been able to give my kids a million dollar education entirely for free! I'll gladly side-step a few vulgar and inappropriate titles, if I must, knowing that our homeschool just wouldn't be the same without the generous offerings of our public library. 

8 Homeschool Helps You Didn't Know the Library Offered

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2023-2024

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, my eldest son will be preparing to join the military, my daughter will still be away at college, and I'll only have my three youngest at home. Not surprisingly, I'm acutely aware that my days with a houseful of children are numbered. Here is a peek at what the boys and I have been learning together this year.

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2023-2024

Biblio-files: Helping You Find Clean Page-Turners for Your Kids

As parents, we are the gatekeepers for the next generation. Just as we lock our doors to prevent intruders from entering and physically harming our kids, we need to be equally as vigilant when it comes to the thieves who would love to enter their minds and hearts and steal away their innocence. We need to be watchful!

Biblio-files: Helping You Find Clean Page-Turners for Your Kids

In addition to the faves from 2023, the following posts have continued to capture your attention year after year. 

Perennial Favorites

How We Homeschool Without Grade Levels- Grade levels are a necessary evil for traditional schools, but they have little to no value for real learning. 

Create Your Own Homeschool Curriculum in 5 Easy Steps- Content-oriented subjects don't require complicated boxed sets of something or an expensive curriculum that you'll never use. 

Homeschool Moms, Beware the YA Book Shelves {with a few exceptions}- The disturbing themes and topics of YA literature can leave impressionable teens feeling hopeless at best and victimized at worst.

50+ Virtual Field Trips to Take When You're Stuck at Home- We are living in an unprecedented time of digital equity--an era when the whole wide world is as close as the click of a button.

What's a Living Book Anyway?- Textbooks are bloated beasts filled with facts for fact's sake. They are monochromatic and hollow, displaying only that which is necessary. The opposite of a textbook is a living book.

Abeka Phonics K-2nd: What to Buy and What to Skip- Clarity is kindness. And friends don't let friends waste money or buy clutter. I've used Abeka Phonics in some capacity for the last 40 years and have a few opinions about it.

The Quick-Start Guide to Brave Homeschool Schedules- Do your homeschool days feel like an endless exercise in treading water but you look around and see no one else flailing--as if everyone has learned the secret to successful days but you?

When You Feel Like Sending Them to "Real" School- If you feel discouraged and want to throw in the towel, remember that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

What a Homeschooler Really Thinks of Distance Learning from BJU Press- Homeschooling doesn't mean that I have to teach all things. It just means that I get to decide what, when, and by whom things get taught.

100 Manners to Teach Your Kids Before They Turn 18- Manners/etiquette are never about doing-all-the-right-things to look good. Manners are about serving others.

My sincerest thanks for your continued support of my work here. I appreciate the generous community that you've helped to form with every comment, suggestion, and reshare. Thanks especially for your wide-armed welcome of both Homeschool Bravely and Holy Hygge. I'm looking forward to all that 2024 has to offer as we gather here,  at Jamie Erickson.com, in the Biblio-files community, on Facebook, and on Instagram to encourage one another to keep doing the good-hard work of teaching and training the next generation for Jesus!


  1. It's always fun to see the random posts that get so many views!

    1. Yes, sometimes the most random posts become the most popular.
