Oh Saduary...I mean February...you slay me. With your biting cold, your never-ending flu bugs, and your depressing distance from Christmas and/or summer, you are the armpit of my school year. So long, you won't be missed. Consider this my obligatory farewell. I'm welcoming March with open arms. See you next year, February. Flip flops and short sleeves are on my horizon and I'm not looking back!
Here's what else I'm looking forward to during the month of March.
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Read Aloud- everybody
The Moffats- We fell in love with the Penderwick siblings two years ago when we read The Penderwicks. Who knew that we'd find another delightfully, zany set of siblings to love! The Moffats are a 1930s version of Penderwick perfection. We're only a few chapters in, but are loving the simple humor of the story. (My daughter has read a few of the other books in this line of Eleanor Estes novels and has enjoyed them all. Now the rest of us are trying to catch up!)
Jamie- that's me!
Different- I only have two or three more chapters left of this highly anticipated book from Sally Clarkson and her "different" son, Nathan. It has been such a wonderful reminder to me of God's unique plan for each of my kids and my roll in helping to steer their lives in that direction.
Educating the WholeHearted Child- This is definitely one of those books I'm embarrassed to admit I've not read cover to cover. I've been a Sally Clarkson fan for quite awhile and have always found such life-giving truth in her words. For whatever reason, this book has never stollen my attention. I think it's time I changed that.
Sweetie Pea- 8th grade
The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic- (Mom-assigned book) My daughter is still reading this Narnia-esque fantasy book and continues to tell me how much she's enjoying it. She stops every now again to read me snippets of the young Persimony Smudge and her quest to find the giant under the island. I think we'll both be kind of sad when she turns the last page knowing that our conversations about it will also come to an end.
Super Boy- 5th grade
Farmer Boy- (Mom-assigned book) His new language arts curriculum has my son reading through this Wilder classic. From the very start, my daughter was sure to warn him not to read it on an empty stomach since much of the entire story takes place around different tables laden with food. Consequently, he can usually be found with the book in one hand AND some food in the other during reading time.
I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912- (Just-for-fun) My son became captivated by the I Survived series this year and has been slowly making his way through them along with one of his best friends. They've been reading the same books and then comparing opinions with one another. Super Boy has always been a fan of non-fiction and so these books loosely based on actual historical facts have been a great transition to fiction.
Blonde Warrior- 4th grade
A Place for Peter- (Mom-assigned book) My son is still working his way through this sequel to Mountain Born. Because I no longer require him to read out loud to me, he reads a chapter or so and then writes a brief narration about what he has read in a reading journal. I think the plot of the book is going a bit slower than he'd like.

10 True Tales: World War I Heroes- (Just-for-fun book) He's currently making a stop-motion Lego movie about World War I. Apparently, this book is "field research."

10 True Tales: World War I Heroes- (Just-for-fun book) He's currently making a stop-motion Lego movie about World War I. Apparently, this book is "field research."

Greased Lightning- 2nd grade
Frederick Douglass Fights for Freedom- (Mom-assigned book) Every time I assign one of my kids to read this biography, I end up having wonderful conversations with whomever happens to be reading it. We talk of prejudice, human rights, and our duty to fight for injustice on behalf of the marginalized of society...big topics that will hopefully have a big impact on each one of my children.
Greetings From Somewhere series- (Just-for-fun) This lighthearted series about two homeschooled siblings who travel the world with their parents came highly recommended by a blog reader. After gently vetting it myself, I ordered nearly the entire series from the library for my son who was looking for his next great read. He took the bait...hook, line, and sinker. He ended up reading the first two books in one day and continues to zip through one after another. Admittedly they are quite twaddly. But, sometimes we all need a no-brainer adventure.
The Dude- preschool
Bob Books, set 1- My youngest has three more books to finish in this first boxed set of Bob Books. He's been reading through the series for quite some time. But, I usually have him read and re-read each book numerous times before moving on to the next one.
That's what we'll be reading in March? How about you?
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