5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2022-2023

5th grade homeschool books

It's the first time in fifth grade for my youngest son and the last time in fifth grade for me. In typical last-born fashion, he's a little spitfire. Full of fun. Fueled by cereal. He’s got a wicked pitching arm, likes his hair long and his playdates with friends even longer. I often say that energy drinks need to drink energy drinks just to keep up with him. He's always wanting to go, go, go!

If you need him, just follow the drumbeat. He loves hard, plays hard, and ends every day with a kiss on my cheek. Lucky me!

Here's what he'll be learning this coming homeschool year. Since we only homeschool 4-days a week, you can assume that each of these subjects will only be covered four times each week unless otherwise indicated.

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5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2022-2023 #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum

Content-rich Subjects

With the exception of science, he'll do all of his content-rich subjects like Morning time/Bible, history, art, and creative writing with his older siblings. You can see those curriculum choices here>>>

Personal Devotions- every day


  • LLATL Purple Book (Use coupon code unlikelyhomeschool at checkout to get 15% off your entire purchase from Common Sense Press, the makers of LLATL.)
  • All About Spelling level 4.
  • Read for pleasure. (every day)
  • Read the following books that correspond with the LLATL Purple Book.
    Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
    Trumpet of the Swan by E.B.White
    Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
    Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
  • If he's not currently working through an LLATL suggested book, he will read a chapter from a book that I assign to him. These will be classics, biographies, or exceptional fiction.
In the elementary years, I think it's important to plan content-oriented subjects with delight in mind. I typically go through a series of questions with my kids to help them determine what they want to learn and/or learn more about. Since all of his older brothers will be doing distance learning for science this year, like last year, my youngest son was able to choose the topic he most wanted to explore. He selected basic animals in our area--woodland animals of the midwest. 

So, I'll be putting together a homespun unit with some public library resources, our lifetime subscription to Notebooking Pages, and the following books from our home collection.

  • How to Think Like a Scientist- This is a must-read book for all elementary kids regardless of what scientific topic they are learning about, in my opinion. We reread it every few years. 

Life Skills/Extra-Curricular Subjects

  • Basketball through the Salvation Army- 1x a week from November-March
  • Read a chapter from Boyhood and Beyond- 1x a week
  • Clean his room and make his bed each day.
  • Daily chores: sweep the music room, empty the dishwasher with his older brother, empty all the bedroom and bathroom trash cans
  • Weekly Chores for his child-of-the-day privileges and responsibilities: help make lunch/dinner and do two loads of laundry (Wednesdays)
  • Monthly Chores: dust the main floor with his siblings, mop the music room, plus randomly select and complete two chores from our chore jar one Saturday each month

Co-operative Learning

Twice a month, he'll attend the homeschool co-op that I lead and participate in two enrichment classes each semester for a total of four for the 2022-2023 school year. In addition, he'll be able to join in on several field trips offered by the group.

His first-semester co-op classes will be as follows:
  • Public Speaking
  • Art

Fifth grade is sure to be a year of physical, emotional, and social changes for my extroverted boy. I'm hoping that the curriculum I've chosen will give him opportunities to grow and learn in ways that come naturally to him. 


  1. I love your idea for science and I’m curious how you put together your own curriculum. I also have a subscription with note booking and would love to use it more! Could you expand on that?

    1. You can read all about how I put units together here>>>

  2. Just ordered "How to think like a scientist" from our local library, thanks for the suggestion. 😄

    1. You're welcome! I hope you and your kids enjoy it.

  3. My kids do bible together and my two youngest do art together but otherwise my 5 kids do not do subjects together. It is way more work for me but they don't like the same things or learn at the same pace. They are all in elementary school. I also make my own science curriculum. M

    1. If that works well for you and your home, I say, "Go for it!"

  4. Thanks for the book suggestions. Is there a level where LLATL becomes primarily independent? I have only used grades 1, 2 and 4.

    1. I'm sure older kids can use it independently, but I prefer to do it with my kids. So I'm not really sure what level to suggest to you.

  5. I'd love to know more about how you assign chores for your kids. I've struggled with this for years and worry that I've done my teenage daughter a disservice. I don't want to make the same mistake with my eight year old. Do you have a post on that topic?

  6. Love that he chose basic chemistry! Will he read through all of those books, parts every day?
