What We're Reading in July 2021

Reading at Gettysburg, PA

July is a month on the go for my family. In the next few weeks, some or all of us will go from Minnesota to Arizona to Pennsylvania to Washington D.C., and back again. Many days on planes and in the car will add up to hours upon hours of reading, reading, and more reading.

In related news, I've joined a book club. As a work-at-home, homeschooling mom, my life can feel rather insular. I have to be extra intentional about the Biblical command to "go into all the world" in order to build relationships and spread the Good News.


That said, I also don't think people should be treated as projects. Gospel-centered friendships are best nurtured authentically through real-life--when Christians reach out to the people God has strategically placed in their circles of influence or those to whom they share a similar passion. 

Talking about books with others who also like to talk about books is a perfect in-road for me to begin building connections with women I'd perhaps never meet otherwise.

Between road trips and club meetings, my kids and I will be surrounded by stacks of books. Here's what we'll be reading.

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What we're reading in July 2021 #homeschool #readaloud #homeschoolbooks #raisingreaders

Read aloud- everybody

A Place to Hang the Moon- When their grandmother passes away, orphaned siblings William, Edmund, and Anna are shipped off to the English countryside along with hundreds of other children who are escaping the air raids that threaten all of London. They have high hopes that their temporary guardians will want to keep them not just until the war ends, but permanently. 

Some books, while good to read alone, don't make good read alouds. This one is great for both, especially if you can conjure up a good British accent!

Jamie- that's me!

Dead Wake- This was the first title I was assigned to read for my book club. Since I came to the group rather late in the month and had less than a week to finish all 480 pages, I decided to opt for the audio version from the free Libby app through my library. While I thought the book was fantastic, no one else in the book club liked it even a little bit. Turns out, the print book read like a textbook. Somehow the narrator of the audio, Scott Brick, made the dry facts quite compelling. 

This narrative nonfiction follows the lives of a handful of ticket holders on the passenger ship Lusitania during its final crossing before being torpedoed by a German U-boat during WWI.

Growing Slow- Former journalist turned farmer's wife Jennifer Dukes Lee combats hustle culture by encouraging readers to grow slow. Leaning heavily on both Scripture and her experience in the fields, Lee shows how our lives are lived best when we follow the patterns of seasonal growth seen in Creation. I especially appreciate her timely reflections of pandemic-style rest. Fans of Beth Moore's Chasing Vines will enjoy this one. 

Super Boy- 10th grade

Fearless- According to my eldest son, this biography of former Navy Seal Team SIX Operator Adam Brown is one of the top 5 best books he's ever read. That's high praise from a teenage boy who's read quite a few military biographies. 

As a mom whose son has aspirations of joining the Seals one day, I appreciate the faith elements included in this book. Brown was a prodigal who found his way to God and lived his final days honoring Him and serving his country.

Blond Warrior- 8th grade

Marilfox- I was able to snag eight hardback volumes of the Redwall series this past month at a library used book sale. Admittedly, it's not my middle son's most favorite collection. But since he's an avid fantasy reader who plows through a book every day or so, this stack should keep him busy through the month of July.

In the eleventh installment of the series, readers are introduced to a few new characters, including the villainess Marlfoxes who seek to plunder Mossflower Woods. 

Greased Lightning- 7th grade

A Week in the Woods- I was hoping my son's love for the woods and his appreciation for the previous Clements' books we've read together would make this title a sure thing. Unfortunately, he's not loving it. Admittedly, Clements often includes a lot of back-story in his writing. I can usually make this extra information more exciting when I read the books aloud, but I can imagine it might make solo reading rather boring. 

When Mark Chelmsley is forced to go on a school trip to the woods, he's determined to prove himself to his teacher Mr. Maxwell. But with one poor decision, he puts them both in jeopardy. 

The Dude- 4th grade

The Chocolate Touch- John Midas, a young boy addicted to candy finds himself in quite the predicament when he wakes up one morning to find that everything he touches instantly turns to chocolate. This is a modern-day look at the story of King Midas which attempts to answer the age-old question, "Can you have too much of a good thing?" My son was anxious to begin reading it after hearing the reviews from his older brothers who've all read it themselves.

That's what we'll be reading in July. How about you? Tell me your titles.


  1. My son loves fantasy too but so many of them are so dark. Do you have any list of books your son has read in recent years? My son is 15. Thank you!!

    1. Have you read this post? I add to it as I come across decent titles.

  2. I'm reading "I am David", "Through Gates of Splendor" (I read the sequel first so gotta read the first now haha!) Rereading hunger games. My oldest just read the Chocolate Touch since we found it at the thrift store and I remembered the recommendation from you! I'm trying to get her to finish the Hobbit as well but she's procrastinating... My youngest is reading through the many Boxcar Children.

    1. If she's struggling to read through the Hobbit, let her move on to other things. That's usually what you and I do. There are far too many interesting books in the world to waste time on ones we don't like. Should abandoning books become a habit, then you can address the idea of staying committed to a hard task. But for now, I'd let her move on. She might revisit the Hobbit someday in the future. But then again, maybe she won't. Either choice is just fine as long as she continues to read other good quality books.
