Tuesday's Tot Trio #13

Over the last couple of months, I've enjoyed sharing with you some of the tot happenings around our home. I hope my weekly trios have inspired a few ideas of your own. With only a couple more weeks on our school time calendar, my tot trio will soon be coming to an end.

But until then, here are this week's tot "to dos"...

Armed with a couple of squirt bottles of water, some wash tubs, towels, and a handful of plastic zoo animals, Greased Lightning and his big brother, Blonde Warrior got to give pet baths. I was quite impressed with how little mess there was to clean up afterwards.

I cut a Dollar Store pool noodle in half and made a poor man's marble track. These pliable noodles are perfect for imaginative preschool play. After Greased Lightning grew weary of racing marbles down the "shoot," the noodle became a soft sword and then an octopus arm. (Please Note: marbles can be a choking hazard. This marble track would, obviously, need supervision.)

A set of dominoes made for an afternoon of fun. At first, I encouraged him to match up the colors/number of dots to form a long train, but then I set him free to create his own fun. He made a race track, a tower, a plate of food, a miniature cell phone, and with the help of big sister, Sweetie Pea, a line of "falling dominoes."

If you missed last week's tot time, head on over to Tot Trio #12.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! I would love for you to share these and others at Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! I know my readers will love your ideas too! Have a great weekend! :)
