ABC Book: Letter I

Since Blonde Warrior has officially learned all of his letters, I thought I'd backtrack and share his completed ABC book pages that I have never posted.  

So, without further adieu, here is the letter "I".  This was the very first letter that he learned this year.  To kick off his alphabet book, I let him pick a paint color (Not surprising, he picked his favorite  I used a brush to paint a thin coat on his index finger and then encouraged him to make finger prints across his page.  

With a little imagination, he could see that these were NOT finger prints.  They were actually INCHWORMS.  

I is for inchworm.

Check out letter "U".


  1. As a mother of 5 boys, I have started teaching preschool and I am SO very thankful for your posts! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! God Bless your growing family. :-)

    1. Wow! FIve boys! What a busy but blessed momma you are.
